
    Options to Ship Your Whole Stuff from USA to India

Ship your whole stuff from USA to India, If you want to move permanently to India but you are so busy with your work that you’ll be late to shift to India then there are options that you can ask the relocation companies to help you in baggage shipping to India. If you are searching for relocation companies go for the Universal Relocation. They provide the best shipping services. But besides researching for a relocation company also go through the customs duties in India.

There are basically two rules for the customs in India:

Moving to India permanently

If you are moving to India permanently you will definitely import your both personal and household effects free of duty and taxes but this will only be possible if:

  • If the goods are in your possession for the last six months
  • You have been living overseas for at least two years and now moving to India on a permanent basis
  • Or you haven’t visited India for at least 180 days in the previous two years

If you don’t come under the above conditions

If you don’t fall under any of the above-mentioned conditions then you will fall for customs duty and taxes for all your home appliances and even you have to pay a customs duty for TV in India.

How does shipping occur?

If you research for better relocation companies you’ll find a lot but it’s highly recommended that choose the one that goes best for you. When you have chosen the one who is according to your requirements then go through their website thoroughly and see their shipping packages, the services they provide, the discounts if there are any and if you don’t find any info regarding your queries then do ask them before hiring them.

Types of Shipping

There are two types of shipping

Door to Door

This is the most convenient type of shipping as it gives you peace of mind. You don’t have to rush here and there to collect your baggage once you have landed on India. This shipping system will save a lot of your time and physical labor.

Door to Port

This is very hectic as one has to first move their effects all from their USA house to USA port and after landing in India they have to take their stuff from the customs of the port to your house in India. This is time-consuming and it gives you a lot of tension.

Usually, the companies have the executives to give you the shipping information. But it’s good to know more. So do the research yourself and ask the companies as well.

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