
    What Is The Cost Of Relocating Office? 

Know when it’s time to relocating office. This is an important part of managing your office. For example, if you need more space, want to improve your image, or just want to be in a better area, you may decide to move. But before you make any final choices for office relocation, you should always think about how much it will cost to move your office.

There are direct costs (like moving) and indirect costs (like telling clients, suppliers, etc.) that you are changing. If you are thinking about office moving your workplace, this article can give you an idea of what it will cost.

What Is The Average Price Range For Relocating Office?

An office relocation will usually cost a business between $750 and $4,500 if they don’t need to upgrade any tools or plan anything at the last minute. What it costs to move will depend on the size of the office, how far you’re going, the cost of living, and the services you need. To get a rough idea of how much it will cost to move, set aside about $1.5 to $2 per square foot of your present office space.

What Impacts the Cost of Relocating Office?

Naturally, the expense of relocating an office will be significantly influenced by the size of the office building and the number of employees. There is no universally applicable formula for estimating moving expenses because every company is different.

A free estimate from the moving company of your choice is the greatest approach to get your company and yourself ready for an impending transfer. Do this by being completely forthright with your moving firm and providing them with as much information as you can about your office move.

Factors To Consider When Moving Your Office

Refurbishment Costs

Whether or not you have to pay for renovations depends on the type of your new office space. This suggests that you will be responsible for some of the refurbishment expenditures, regardless of whether your new office needs a new coat of paint or other modifications to suit your business model. Thus, a key factor in figuring out this cost will be the kind of improvements that are required.

Quantity of Materials 

When you move, it will cost less to relocate an office that isn’t overloaded with desks, filing boxes, servers, and other electronics. Before you get moving quotes, make a detailed list of everything that needs to be moved. This way, you can give the movers a clear idea of what they need to do.


Sometimes when you move is more important than where you go. Movers are busy and costs the most in the summer because that’s when most people want to move. The same is true for moving on the weekend versus moving during the week: moving on the weekend causes less business interruption, but it costs more. To save money, look for a move that doesn’t happen during the busy season, from September to April.


Moving your office to a different state or even across the country will cost a lot more than moving within the same state. Relocating within 100 miles can cost as little as $1,000. Moving across the country more than 2,000 miles away can cost as much as $30,000 or even more.

Maintenance and Equipment Costs

This is something that you should think about when making your moving budget. Repairing or replacing broken things may be part of the other costs that come with maintenance.
For example, if the computers or printers you already have are old or won’t work in your new office, you may need to buy new ones.

Cost Of Professional Movers

When making your office moving budget, you should also think about how much it will cost to transport your things. There are a lot of people who depend on reliable business movers to pack and move their furniture, office supplies, expensive equipment, sensitive files, and other things without damaging them.

For the best moving company, find out about the movers in your area that can do what you need and compare their prices. Lastly, think about how much it will cost to hire a mover. This will help you start to cut down your budget.


Moving offices can do more than just give your team a chance to work in a new and exciting space. It can also shake up teams, get businesses out of old habits, and open up new, more flexible ways of working.

But let’s not lie and say that moving places isn’t also stressful. Even if the move goes smoothly, it can be hard on the workers. Changing the lease itself costs money, but there are other costs to think about as well.

With Universal Relocation, you may avoid many of the drawbacks of office relocation by selecting from a variety of flexible spaces and solutions, ranging from fully furnished, full-floor offices to private offices. Get a free price from Universal Relocation and see what a difference a reliable, low-cost move can make.


How do I pack for an office move?

Pack the contents of your current workspace, including the desk(s), bookcases/shelves, closets, etc. Don’t forget to label your garbage and recycling containers. Before placing items in a moving box, arrange small objects such as paper clips and loose pens/pencils in envelopes, baggies, or smaller boxes.

How long does an office relocation take?

Your company’s size will determine the timeline for your office relocation. You should also evaluate how long it will take to pack for relocation. A relocation might take anything from 4 to 8 months from start to finish. If you have a large organization, it will take around 6 to 8 months to complete the office relocation. You should also choose a time when your business is less busy.

How do I plan an office move?

Make sure you are well-informed. Set a budget for the move. This comprises dilapidation costs for the old location, new furniture and/or equipment, IT setup, moving company fees, a contingency fund for probable breakages, etc. Create a plan to decommission the old office.

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Helpful Information

Here are the links for some blogs and videos to help you prepare for your move: